A holiday gift fair. Shop local artisans, makers & small business.
November 7-9, 2024
$10 tickets at the door
Sugarplum Festival:
An Annual Holiday Gift Fair
Everyone looks forward to the second weekend in November for the annual Sugarplum Festival at the Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art! For over 40 years, visitors kick off the holiday season at this St. Joseph tradition. Including unique gifts, artisan-made crafts, vintage goods, 30+ small businesses, local entrepreneurs and crafters, live music and performances, delicious cafe lunch and much more.
Thursday - November 7
Preview Party
5:30 – 8:00 pm
Special tickets required
Deck the Halls Auction opens at 5:30 pm
Friday - November 8
10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Lunch served 11:00 am – 1:30 pm
Half-priced admission 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Saturday - November 9
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Lunch served 11:00 am – 1:30 pm
Deck the Halls auction closes at 3:30 pm
Preview Party - $40
1 Preview Night Admission
1 General Admission
Sugarplum Friend - $60
Preview Night Admission
1 General Admission
1 VIP Parking Pass
Sugarplum Patron - $100
2 Preview Night Admissions
2 General Admissions
1 VIP Parking Pass
Early ticket sales have ended
Tickets can be purchased at the door for $10
Become a Sugarplum Vendor
Wednesday, November 6 - Vendor Setup - 10am-6pm
Thursday, November 7 - Vendor Setup - 9am-4pm , Preview Party Gift Gallery Open 5-8pm
Friday, November 8 - Gift Gallery Open 10am-8pm
Saturday, November 9 - Gift Gallery Open 10am-4pm, Vendor Tear Down 4-8pm
Frida, September 6, Vendor Packets Due (with $100 deposit)
Friday, September 27, Notification of Acceptance (deposit returned if not accepted)
Friday, November 1, Booth Parment Due (in full)
Contact our events manager, Amber Wilcox
Expect vendor packets to be sent out in April
Become a Sponsor
Together, with the tireless support of volunteers, donors, and sponsors like you, we can continue to provide:
Inspiration to over 15,000 visitors per year
Educational activities for over 1300 students
An appreciation of the arts and a forum for community dialogue
20 Preview Party Passes
20 Weekend Admission Passes
10 VIP Parking Passes
Business Council Membership included
Two event rentals during the year
Website and social media recognition
12 Preview Party Passes
12 Weekend Admission Passes
6 VIP Parking Passes
Website and social media recognition
8 Preview Party Passes
8 Weekend Admission Passes
4 VIP Parking Passes
Website and social media recognition
4 Preview Party Passes
4 Weekend Admission Passes
2 VIP Parking Passes
Website and social media recognition
Presenting Sponsor
Gold Ring Sponsor
Turtle Dove Sponsor
Michael & Janet Taylor
Vendor Hospitality Sponsor
Limited parking is available in the museum parking lot*
$5.00 per entry
Cash only
Free Off Street Parking
Noyes and Clay Street
Complimentary shuttle available
*Handicapped parking always available free of charge with appropriate documentation (tag or placard). Please contact the museum with questions (816) 233-7003.